Saturday, April 3, 2010

Do you know Alice?

Have you heard of I read about Alice on a scrapbooking site several months ago, and it's been fabulous so far!

They sell household products - everything from toilet paper to shampoo to trash bags. You know, the stuff you stop at Target to buy and leave with $100 less in your wallet. Shipping is always free AND quick! They even let you know when coupons are available, and I've found the prices comparable to local stores. As a side note, the branding is very impressive - the package is secure, including tape on any bottle and that may open.

If you register via this link, once you spend $50, you'll receive $10 off your order! You don't have to spend $50 at once - it'll be deducted automatically. I just placed another order this morning.

Happy Alice shopping!